

Bukeyashiki Street Autumn Leaves Illumination 2022

武家屋敷通り紅葉ライトアップ 2022

In order for many customers to enjoy the autumn leaves of Kakunodate Bukeyashiki Street,

We will be lighting up this year as well.

Please enjoy the bewitching and fantastic space that is different from the daytime.

Light-up period From Friday, October 14, 2022 to Sunday, November 27, 2022

Illumination time 16:30-22:00

Location Bukeyashiki Street

(Ishiguro family, Aoyagi family, Iwahashi family, Kawarada family, Odano family, etc.)

*It is dark underfoot at night, so please be careful.

*Please see the illumination tour from Bukeyashiki-dori.

*If you come by car, please use the Sakura-Namiki Paking lot. !

Click here for autumn leaves information ⇒ "Autumn leaves information 2022"

Contact: Semboku City Tourism Division ℡: 0187-43-3352

Semboku City Tourist Information Center "Kakunodate Ekimae-Gura Storehouse" ℡: 0187-54-2700

Event information
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