
The Tamagawa River system's distinctive cobalt blue water surface

Shuusenko(Yoroihata dam lake)


Lake Akiogi spreads along National Route 341, and it shows a beautiful contrast especially during the autumn foliage season. The dam park located halfway up has a wonderful view.

From Shin-Tamagawa Bridge upstream of the lake, you can see a submerged forest during times of high water and a marsh-like landscape during times of low water.

Detailed Information

Street address
Tazawa Lake, Tazawako , Yoroihata , Semboku City
Street address(Japans)
Parking Lot
Akisenko Dam Park (30 minutes walk to Shin-Tamagawa Bridge)
Getting Around

Approximately 13 km from JR Tazawako station

Street address Tazawa Lake, Tazawako , Yoroihata , Semboku City
Street address(Japans) 秋田県仙北市田沢湖田沢字鎧畑
Parking Lot Akisenko Dam Park (30 minutes walk to Shin-Tamagawa Bridge)
Getting Around

Approximately 13 km from JR Tazawako station