

Artificial hot springs and rock baths

Iyashi no Yado Yunohanakan

いやしの宿 湯の花館

A relaxing stone bathing inn with artificial hot springs and radium springs made from artificial Beitou stone at the foot of the Tazawako Plateau.

The scene of people bathing in bedrock baths can still be seen today at Tamagawa Onsen that has long been said to cure all ailments.
We have prepared this healing stone bath within the Yunohanakan facility for you to use at your leisure.
The bedrock bath at our facility uses artificial Beitou stone, a type of radium spring, to thoroughly warm the body and soothe the mind.

Detailed Information

Street address
〒014-1201 59-35 Shimotakano , Tazawako , Semboku City, Akita Prefecture
Street address(Japans)
〒014-1201 秋田県仙北市田沢湖生保内字下高野59-35
Price range

1 night with 2 meals from 8,000 yen

Home Page
Street address 〒014-1201 59-35 Shimotakano , Tazawako , Semboku City, Akita Prefecture
Street address(Japans) 〒014-1201 秋田県仙北市田沢湖生保内字下高野59-35
TEL 0187-58-1066
Price range

1 night with 2 meals from 8,000 yen

Home Page