

A beautiful white and green colony of Asian skunk cabbage

Sashimaki Marsh Asian Skunk Cabbage Colony


Sashimaki Marsh is surrounded by a large alder forest. It is rare to see white flowers blooming all over a marshland, and the existence of such a colony and alder forest in the mountains close to a national highway and a railway line is also valuable from an academic perspective.

The Sashimaki Mizubasho Festival is held from mid-April to early May, and features sales of local cuisine and specialty products, as well as events.

Detailed Information

Street address
Sashimaki , Semboku City, Tazawako Prefecture
Street address(Japans)
Getting Around

Take the JR Tazawako and get off at Sashimaki Station, then walk for 15 minutes

Street address Sashimaki , Semboku City, Tazawako Prefecture
Street address(Japans) 秋田県仙北市田沢湖刺巻
Getting Around

Take the JR Tazawako and get off at Sashimaki Station, then walk for 15 minutes