A souvenir shop that both adults and children can enjoy

Shokusai Machiya House


You can enjoy souvenirs from Akita Prefecture, as well as cheap sweets and imported antique miscellaneous goods.

Detailed Information

Street address
42-1 Yokocho, Kakunodate , Semboku City , Akita Prefecture 014-0323
Street address(Japanese)
〒014-0323 秋田県仙北市角館町横町42-1
Telephone Number
Regular holiday
Irregular holidays
Credit card and electronic payment
VISA Master Transportation IC
Parking Lot
Available (10 cars)
Getting Around

15 minute walk from Kakunodate station

Street address 42-1 Yokocho, Kakunodate , Semboku City , Akita Prefecture 014-0323
Street address(Japanese) 〒014-0323 秋田県仙北市角館町横町42-1
TEL 0187-49-6106
Regular holiday Irregular holidays
Credit card and electronic payment VISA Master Transportation IC
Parking Lot Available (10 cars)
Wi-Fi Nothing
Getting Around

15 minute walk from Kakunodate station