
Sengoku celebration named after the military commander Tozawa Mr.

Tozawa Shisai


The "Tozawa Shisai" which was created in the wake of the old Nishiki, Akita 40th anniversary thing that was fixed as part of the summer festival.

Every year, bustling with people of Nishiki-cho, inside and outside of family and homecoming guests and tourists.

Detailed Information

Street address
Akita Prefecture Semboku City Nishiki-cho Kadoya character Shimokawara (cypress Uchikawa River Park)
Street address(Japanese)
Street address Akita Prefecture Semboku City Nishiki-cho Kadoya character Shimokawara (cypress Uchikawa River Park)
Street address(Japanese) 秋田県仙北市西木町門屋字下川原(桧木内川河川公園)